Nouvelles Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen


Presentation of the journal


Nouvelles Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen (nCmY) reflects and records the scientific and cultural activity concerning the manuscripts of Yemen as well as of the Arabian Peninsula. It constitutes an accumulating repository of information concerning the manuscripts, their places of conservation and sources on the region.

“Manuscript” is understood as codex and as document, approached by all disciplines of the Humanities.

The nCmY welcomes submissions of original scientific research in French, English and Arabic and provides the latest information about manuscripts. In the News, “Window on…” is open to the disciplines employing methodologies comparable to Codicology and text edition, such as Palaeography and Epigraphy.

nCmY is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Articles are reviewed by at least one external reviewer.

As an exclusively electronic journal, the nCmY is publicly accessible in full as a PDF. Regular issues are published in January and July. Special issues are published at irregular intervals. Both series are trilingual, and some issues or contributions are translated into other languages.

The journal addresses an international audience. Its distribution includes some twenty countries, associations and groups that relay information, and other journals.